Shredded - A Carb Cycling Approach
"Shredded" is a fat-loss diet plan in the carb cycling format. Cut body fat and build strong, well-defined muscles to achieve your optimal physique!
The Most Comprehensive Meal Plan Protocol You'll Find Includes:
- Customized macronutrient amounts
- A full meal/diet plan
- A list of multiple food sources
Food sources are calculated from the lean body mass you input into the program and continually adjust as your body composition changes.
What Is Carb Cycling?
Carb cycling is an approach to dieting that maximizes the effects of improving body composition within the boundary conditions of thermodynamics. Optimizing the use of specific macronutrients on certain days and at certain times, allowing you to eat in a deficit for periods when glycogen stores are saturated to burn body fat while minimizing the risk of muscle loss. Those excess calories are then stored as glycogen rather than fat, allowing you to eat in a deficit for periods when glycogen stores are saturated to minimize the risk of muscle loss.
The result is an improved body composition over any given period compared to the same net calorie total from a non-cycled macronutrient profile.
Read the ULTIMATE Bodybuilder's Carb Cycling Guide to learn even more!
Shredded - A Carb Cycling Approach
Incredibly simple, clean layout, at the time of this review I have only had it for 14 days so can't speak to the efficacy of the program but we all know Justin knows his shit so if you adhere to the diet I'm pretty confident results will follow. If I could make one request it would be to add some supporting documents that go into maybe a little depth about the reasoning behind certain aspects of the program. For $100 I think it's fair to ask for maybe 10ish pages of ebook type content that explains at least some of the "whys" of the program.
This program is incredible. I've worked with Justin privately and it it essentially the same tool, just plug and play your weight and you're ready to go. I've been running this program for a few weeks now and the results are awesome. I find it very easy to follow.
As a busy professional and also a coach. Sometimes you want to not have to think about yourself. This takes it out of your hands and all you have to do is plug, play and execute!!!
You want to do it like the pros then this is the way