MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass
"MASSIVE" is a complete mass-gaining program (Excel spreadsheet) with a diet plan, food list, meal plan, and more. When fully customized, this program adjusts the diet plan based on your changing weight and lean body mass.
Achieve your optimal body mass, build muscle, and increase strength with expert support!
MASSIVE - Carb Cycling for Mass Program Includes:
- Customized macronutrient amounts
- A full meal plan
- A list of multiple food sources
Food sources are calculated from the lean body mass you input into the program and continually adjust as your body composition changes.
What Is Carb Cycling?
Carb cycling is an approach to dieting that maximizes the effects of improving body composition within the boundary conditions of thermodynamics. Optimizing the use of specific macronutrients on certain days and at certain times, allowing you to eat in a deficit for periods when glycogen stores are saturated to burn body fat while minimizing the risk of muscle loss. Those excess calories are then stored as glycogen rather than fat, allowing you to eat in a deficit for periods when glycogen stores are saturated to minimize the risk of muscle loss.
The result is an improved body composition over any given period compared to the same net calorie total from a non-cycled macronutrient profile.
Read the ULTIMATE Bodybuilder's Carb Cycling Guide to learn even more!
Folks, this is one of THE BEST online diets you can purchase and follow accordingly without hiring a coach. It uses Justin’s format of carb cycling which I love. The only recommendation I would make is if you aren’t lean (you can’t at least see the outline of your abs), then you need to be purchasing the *Shredded version of this approach.
If Justin promoted these carb cycling ebooks they would make him rich. They're essentially a lifetime nutrition coach. I bought both out of curiosity thinking they were just an explanation behind why and how he does things. Man was I wrong. They're both actual diets with food lists, macro break downs for each meal, even a full on diet written out for each high, low, medium days. Below those are 5 different protein, fat and carb options with the amounts written so there's no guess work. It even shows you how to time the meals including pre intra and post. Theres a cardio recommendation as well.
All you do is punch in your weight, height and estimated bf percentage and it spits out the numbers. As you lose weight or fat you change it and it updates your diet.
Its literally fool proof and there's nothing else even close.
The only thing better would be to hire justin which I plan on doing very soon.
I can't recommend this enough. I'm telling everyone about these.
Justin! Dude! You're doing a disservice by never talking about these on podcasts or your social media.
I recently found carbohydrate cycling and wanted some more details and a well laid out plan. Aside from hiring a trainer/coach, this is the next best thing, it is very easy to understand and implement. It has been about 2 weeks since I've started using the massive carb cycling spreadsheet, and I am already seeing results, The body is trimming up and I continue to gain strength. This is by far the easiest way to stay on track. Thank you!
MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass
An amazing resource to have at your finger tips.